Lay Employees’ Retirement Plan (LERP) Explained

For all lay employees scheduled to work 20 hours or more per week at one 1 or more participating unit for five 5 or more months in one calendar year

Credited Service and Vesting

Pre-2011 Participant

Employee Enrolled in the Plan Before January 1, 2011 and Still Employed on December 31, 2010

Post-2010 Participant

Employee Enrolled in the Plan on or After January 1, 2011

Retirement Age

Rule of 85

Vested Participant born before 1960 (over 56) and whose age + years of service = 85 or more, may retire at an early unreduced benefit

Credited years of service + participant’s age = 85 = unreduced retirement benefit

Rule of 90 (Effective January 1, 2012)

Participant born after 1959 (over 57) and whose age + years of service = 90 or more, may retire at an early unreduced benefit

Credited years of service + participant’s age = 90 = unreduced retirement benefit


Distribution of Benefits

Straight Life
  • Monthly lifetime benefit; upon death, the benefit will cease
Term Certain and Life (60 months = 5 years)
  • Monthly lifetime benefit; if death occurs within the first 60 months, the beneficiary(s) receives monthly benefit for the remainder of the 60 months.
  • Beneficiary can be replaced if the first one dies.
Joint and 100% Survivor
  • Monthly lifetime benefit; upon death the beneficiary will receive the same amount for his/her lifetime.
  • Not an option if the beneficiary is a non-spouse that is ten or more years younger than the retiree.
Joint and 50% Survivor
  • Monthly lifetime benefit; upon death, the beneficiary will receive half of the amount for the remainder of his/her lifetime.
  • Can be any body of any age.
In-Service Distribution
  • Participant under age 62, who enters into a payment status, must have a 90-day bona fide separation from all covered units before returning to part time work at any covered unit.
Lump Sum Payment
  • Participant must be vested and terminated
  • Present benefit value must be under $25,000 (estimate date = today’s date)
  • Current date of calculation is good for 180 days
Death Benefit
  • Vested participant dies before receiving monthly pension benefit
  • Non-Spouse beneficiary: Based on the years of credited service with a maximum of $2,500.00.
  • Surviving spouse beneficiary: Lump sum if the value at the time of death is $3,500.00 or less; monthly pension benefit if the value at the time of death is over $3,500.00.
Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO)
  • A portion of a participant’s pension is assigned to an alternate payee due to a divorce.
  • Effective January 1, 2016 QDROs are no longer accepted.
  • Only QDRO’s received on or before December 31, 2015 will be honored.

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